Conquering ALL Of The Fears

What is your biggest fear? What scares you?

When asked these questions in a live stream setting our answers have ranged from jumpscares, solo streams, creepy crawly creatures, being murdered, failure, ending up alone in life, unrealized potential, and a bunch of other things in between.

It's human nature to be scared but allowing the fear to keep you from progressing forward is the real struggle.

Reflecting on our fears and how to overcome them is something we talk about amongst ourselves often, and it especially stood out this past month.

Individually and as a couple, we've conquered (and continue to face) many fears of different sizes and impact:

  • Quitting our corporate jobs to start our own business

  • Starting Nush & Doza and all it entails despite the naysayers

  • Struggling to complete a video game (or level) in a live stream situation

  • Watching certain movies that are hyped up to be scarier than they were

  • Ensuring our business and livelihood are sustainable and can actually thrive to support ourselves

  • Fighting for our relationship despite pressures and negativity from family and friends

  • Standing up for what we believe in regardless of what people think

  • Going through haunted houses

  • Leaving toxic friendships, relationships and situations

  • Solo streaming

Being afraid and cautious are valid feelings, but don't allow fear to prevent you from achieving your goals or experiencing something new.

Don't be afraid to be wrong because you are allowed to learn and get it right.

Deal with the challenges of life as they come.

Fight for what you value, prioritize, and believe in.

Start that business or side hustle you've been too scared to set in motion.

Try all the things in your pursuit of happiness imaginable.

Be your authentic self.

And most importantly, keep yourself open to possibilities beyond your wildest dreams without letting fear stop you!

Here are some things that happened this past month, September 2022, in our lives:

Thank you for reading and reflecting with us! If you’d like to share what you've been up to this past month, please comment below, reach out to us through your favorite platform, or hop by a live stream on YouTube to chat. We would love to hear from you!


See You On The Other Side Overwatch


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