Embracing Self-Kindness

As we bid farewell to another year and navigate the complexities of a tricky holiday season, a simple but provoking thought emerges: "Be kind to yourself." While extending kindness to others remains crucial, the importance of nurturing our own well-being often gets overshadowed in the hustle.

It's a gentle reminder that we need not carry the burdens of yesterday, last week, or even the entire past year into the unknown realms of tomorrow, next week, or the approaching new year. Now, more than ever, it's time to shower ourselves with a little extra love. Amidst the transformations, healing, and the relentless pursuit of strength, we are also awakening to a more profound understanding of ourselves.

At the heart of family gatherings, a source of both joy and anxiety, we've realized that contorting ourselves to meet certain expectations can be emotionally draining. The anticipation of these moments often demands meticulous preparation—what to share, how to act, when to compromise, and when to stand our ground. Yet, in this intricate social dance, it's so easy to inadvertently betray our own essence, relinquishing parts of our evolved selves, parts that we've already struggled to improve for the sake of our own personal growth and mental health, at the familial doorstep.

This internal battle leads to feelings of self-deprecation, a sense of wrongness, and the weight of that self-betrayal. However, while combating these challenges, it's important to discern the fine line between self-preservation and self-betrayal. While you may be able to occasionally give yourself to others in a way that doesn't cross that line, we've found that doing so often is the result of merely coexisting with those around us at best. This is especially true in environments that take away personal agency in favor of everyone else's experience. They have the power to trigger regression to older, less complete, and less confident versions of ourselves. So in lieu of leaving ourselves open and unprotected, we've been on our own search for healthy alternatives. But it's critical to remember that we need to navigate this journey with compassion, and make room for our growth while honoring our roots.

In these moments, a deep breath becomes a patient lifeline, prompting us to reflect on the reasons behind our choices. Deep within our souls, there lies a purpose larger than ourselves, guiding us along the paths we tread. As we step into 2024, let us carry forward the lessons of self-kindness, understanding that, even in the complex tapestry of family and social dynamics, we are evolving, discovering, and learning to exist authentically while staying true to the essence that calls us forward.


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