Never Underestimate The Power of Reflection

As we sat down to reflect on July 2023 together, we were overcome with so much emotion and reminded how incredible the journey has been for us as we commemorated five years of Nush & Doza. The last five years have been filled with so many twists, turns, and milestones, both big and small. Today's retrospective also marks our 13th reflection, one year since we started our Monthly Retrospective Series.

As creators, we are so glad we started sharing our reflections like this more publicly because we truly believe that it's just as essential to pause and celebrate the victories as it is to recollect and learn from each step we take forward. It can be easy to get caught up in the moment when you already have so much going on at any given time. But no matter how seemingly insignificant, every step forward is one step closer to our dreams. Sometimes it can be obvious: achievements like anniversaries, a birthday, or something deliberately marked in a calendar, but other times it can be a moment of acknowledging growth by other metrics too.

Taking stock of these moments individually, together as a couple, and as N&D, has been instrumental to our success. It's a deliberate use of time to acknowledge progress, validate efforts, and recharge our motivation to continue moving forward and stave off any feelings of being stuck, stagnant, lost, or just plain overwhelmed.

Often we're asked how we keep going with everything we've taken on. In other words, what is at the very core of what drives us? What makes us put ourselves in more "complicated" situations where there is a much simpler path available? What purpose would our lives have if not representative of all we've set out to do? With the driving force of pursuing happiness and finding fulfillment in our lives, what other interpretation is there?

Celebrating wins, and reflecting on our journey regularly, cultivates a sense of accomplishment and boosts our confidence in our ability to overcome challenges. It isn't always easy, but they contribute to our growth and development in all aspects of our lives.

The big wins stand as beacons of our capability and determination. But even more important are the smaller wins that often go unnoticed. Those are the moments that end up being even more impactful. It allows us a reprieve where we can push through self-doubt, have the patience to learn a new skill or make slight adjustments toward improving an aspect of our life without as much guilt. Combining these reflections proves that we can surpass even our loftiest aspirations. We CAN achieve even more if we just set our minds to it, create actionable goals, and realistically knock them off, one by one.

Wherever you are in your life right now, we challenge you to take a moment and look back at your journey too, whether it's the journey of your life between your celebrated birthdays, education arc, employment arc, creative aspirations, self-growth, healing, or however you define your journeys. Schedule some time to take stock and reflect regularly. It might be hard or feel weird at first, but like all things, reflecting can become a healthy habit that helps you gain insights about your strengths and shortcomings, recognize areas for improvement, analyze where you are with your goals, and ultimately aim towards all kinds of milestones!

Never underestimate the power of reflecting and savoring each achievement along the way. Embrace every step in the incredible journey of your life, and know that each triumph brings you closer to a more fulfilling and happier life on your terms.

Here are some things that happened this past July in our lives:

Thank you for reflecting with us! Please do not hesitate to share your reflections by commenting below, reaching out to us through your favorite platform, or swinging by a live stream on YouTube to chat with us about all of the things. We love hearing from y'all!


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