5 Intentions For A Better Year

Happy New Year!

As we reflect on 2022 and step into 2023 there's so much we're grateful for.

We've accepted certain things so we don't dwell on them as much, learned a lot more about ourselves, and evolved in unexpected ways.

While goal setting is something we do regularly, and not just at the beginning of the year, we wanted to share 5 intentions we hope set the tone for a better year…

  1. Focus on what we can control

  2. Be intentional with our time and energy

  3. Practice gratitude

  4. Love deeply

  5. Heal through creativity

We hope to expand and dive deeper into these intentions over the course of this next year as we continue our Monthly Retrospectives. We’re delighted we started this series during N&D’s 4th-anniversary celebrations this past July as we traverse towards our 5th anniversary in July 2023. We can’t wait to see how we evolve in all aspects of our lives until that milestone and for many, many years as we continue this journey,

Thank you so much for continuing to reflect with us. While we can't predict what 2023 or the future holds, one thing we are confident of is how fortunate we are to have YOU in our lives. We believe our paths crossed for a purpose and we appreciate the love and support we get on this journey more than we can express.

We'd love to hear your goals, resolutions, and intentions too! As big dreamers who are constantly trying to take steps to achieve our wildest manifestations, it’s a topic we always love to talk about during our live streams on YouTube, in our Discord server, and really any conversation we have.

Here's to more illuminating reflections and wins in 2023 and beyond for us all!


Recognizing When It’s Time To Reset And Refocus


‘Tis The Season To Be Intentional