India’s COVID Crisis

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India has hit global records of over 16 million COVID cases and 180,000+ deaths while consistently hitting over 300,000 new cases daily for the past few days. Body bags are scattered everywhere, mass cremations are being held, hospitals are unbearably full and quickly running out of necessary supplies, and the list goes on.

Nush, like many Indian Americans, is feeling very helpless. It seems like every day, she’s getting a call from India with more bad news about a family member or family friend. Many Indian Americans were feeling hopeful with COVID vaccine rollouts, but now emotions are very high as we are worried about our motherland, where so many are desperately begging for help and hoping they live until they too can get vaccinated.

We are hearing so many heartbreaking stories every day and we knew we needed to collect our thoughts to speak up to do what we can.

To make matters worse, there is a huge lack of resources and support from the Indian government. India is actually the largest vaccine producer in the world meaning this crisis is going to have a massive impact globally if we aren’t able to overcome this latest surge.

As hard as it can be to focus on N&D projects and our freelancing business right now, we know we have to keep working as long as our mental health allows us to do so. We have been channeling what energy we do have into work and things we can control so we can send money back home and donate where we can while amplifying the resources and sharing how we can all help the efforts.

If you have the means, please consider donating to organizations like the ones below to help support relief efforts:

Khalsa Aid International

Hemkunt Foundation


Give India

Care India

Sewa International

Desai Foundation

We know many of you reading this have been negatively impacted by the ongoing COVID pandemic as well, and our hearts are aching for you and so many others struggling across the globe. On top of the pandemic, there are so many other social issues impacting us all that we are trying our best to navigate.

What matters most is that we continue to share resources and give back in whatever way we can. Even if it is simply checking in on friends and family, amplifying causes on social media, or whatever is within your means and feels right to you. Spreading more kindness and love in the world is imperative as we all tackle every crisis life throws our way that disrupts humanity and our planet.

Thank you so much for reading if you got this far. Sending lots of love to all of you.


Glob Arcade


Stop Asian Hate